Wonderful Word Wednesday: Conclave

C is for Conclave

Conclave is a private or secret meeting or group.


Click the links below to see previous A to Z vocabulary words and sketches:

A is for Aquiline
B is for Bosky

What IS Wonderful Word Wednesday? I’m a fan of words. They’re just so darn interesting and super useful for conveying ideas, telling stories, and painting word pictures. I constantly come across unknown words…or words I’m familiar with but unsure of the precise definition…or underused words, wonderful words, words which (in my opinion!) really ought to be in circulation a lot more than they are! Enter WWW. The purpose of these posts is to bring you a fascinating word find every week along with a visual to help solidify the meaning. I hope you stop in every once and again or, better still, join me every Wednesday on this lexical road trip to a richer vocabulary!

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